Computer Science/SW 영어
[쉬운 영어로 읽는 최신 전산 영어] 1 Introduction to Computer System(2)
2020. 9. 23. 13:44
(해당 강의노트는 한빛아카데미의 <쉬운 영어로 읽는 최신 전산 영어 : 3판>을 기반으로 작성되었습니다)
1장 파트 2
CH01) Introduction to Computer System
Section 01 The Definition and History of Computer(2)
The History of Computer: 컴퓨터의 역사
- In 1944, The Mark 1, (that is) composed of mechanical and electrical components, was developed to perform simple arithmetic. And the next models such as(like == informal) ENIAC and UNIVAC were built. Especially(especially), the UNIVAC was the first commercial computer used by the U.S Census Bureau. However(formal..), the vacuum tubes used in those machines generated enormous heat that shortened the life of tubes
- 1944년에 간단한 산술연산을 수행하기 위해 기계적 전자적 부품들로 구성된 Mark1이 개발되었다. ENIAC과 UNIVAC과 같은 다음 모델들이 만들어졌다. 특히 UNIVAC은 U.S. Census Bureau에서 사용된 첫번째 산업용 컴퓨터였다. 그러나 해당 기계 안에서 사용된 진공 튜브는 엄청난 양의 열을 발생시켜 튜브의 수명을 단축시켰다.
- After the 1960s, the technology of computer devices developed rapidly. The next devices used for computers were transistors and Integrated Circuits. Finally, the microprocessors were for the various computers today
- 1960년대 이후에 컴퓨터 장치의 기술은 급격히 발전했다. 컴퓨터에 사용된 다음 장치는 트랜지스터와, 통합된 회로(IC)들이다. 마지막으로, 마이크로프로세서는 다양한 오늘날의 컴퓨터에 사용되었다.
Section 02 The Structure of Computer(2)
The Structure of a computer: 컴퓨터의 구조
: A computer is an electronic device used to process data. A computer can convert data into information that is useful to people. A complete computer system includes four distinct parts:
- 데이터를 처리하기위해 사용되는 전자적인 장치이다. 컴퓨터는 데이터를 사람들이 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 정보로 바꾸어준다. 완전한 컴퓨터 시스템은 네가지의 구별된 부분을 포함한다
- HW
- Mechanical devices in the computer
- Anything that can be touched
- SW
- Tell the computer what to do
- Also called a program
- Data
- Pieces of information
- Computers organize and present data
- User
- People operating the computer
Information Processing Cycle
Steps(== process) followed to process data
- Input
- Processing
- Output
- Storage
- Computer HW consists of electronic devices; the parts you can see and touch. The term "device" refers to any piece of HW used by the computer, such as a keyboard, monitor, mouse, and etc.
- ; : 뒷문장이 앞문장을 꾸며줄 때, 설명해줄 때 사용됨
- Computers use the same basic HW
- HW categorized into four types
Essential Computer HW
Processing devices
CPU : Central Processing Unit
Brains of the computer
'heart' of the digital computer, responsible for reading a program's instruction from memory, executing it, and then control input's and output's within the machine, the CPU is not usually the memory holding the instruction and the I/O devices.
- 디지털 컴퓨터의 심장부로, 메모리로부터 프로그램의 명령어를 읽고, 해당 명령어를 실행하고, 기계내에서 I/O을 컨트롤할 책임이 있다. CPU는 명령어와 I/O 장치를 가지고 있는 메모리가 아니다.(메모리로부터 받은 명령어에 대해 계산하고 제어하는 역할을 주로 함)
- Control Unit(CU)
- Controls resources in computer
- instruction set
- Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU)
- Simple math operations
- Registers
- Register
- Temperary memory
- adder : 가상기로, 사칙연산을 수행해줌.
How Computers Process Data
Machine cycles
- Steps by CPU to process data
- Instruction cycle
- CPU gets the instruction
- Execution cycle
- CPU performs the instruction
- Billions of cycles per second
- 10^12(Trillion), 10^9(Billion), 10^6(Million), 10^3(Thousand)
- Pipelining processes more data
- Multitasking allows multiple instructions
Affecting Processing Speed
The computer's internal clock
- Quartz(a mineral used in making electronic equipment and watches and clocks) crystal
- Every tick causes a cycle
- Speeds measured in Hertz(Hz)
- Modern machines use Gigahertz( GHz)
Essential Computer HW
Memory Devices(Primary Memory)
- Stores data or programs
- Small chips on the motherboard
- More memory makes a computer faster
- Random Access (RAM)
- volatile(휘발성)
- Stores current data and programs
- More RAM results in a faster system
- Read-Only memory(ROM)
- Permanent storage of programs
- Holds the computer boot directions