Computer Science/SW 영어

[쉬운 영어로 읽는 최신 전산 영어] 1 Introduction to Computer System(1)

계속지나가기 2020. 9. 13. 12:00

(해당 강의노트는 한빛아카데미의 <쉬운 영어로 읽는 최신 전산 영어 : 3판>을 기반으로 작성되었습니다)

1장 파트 1

CH01) Introduction to Computer System

: In these days, a computer is an essential gadget that most people want to have.
But it is hard to catch up with new SW such as various applications.
It is always a thrill to unpack a new computer, but most people hate the process of migrating applications and data.
First of all, Let's study computer systems.

  • Gadget[ɡædʒ.ət]: a small piece of equipment that does a particular job(not formal word)
  • migrate[maɪ.ɡreɪt] : If people migrate, they travel in large numbers to a new place to live temporarily

The Computer Defined

computer가 파생된 원 단어는?

  • Compute : the act or process of calculating an answer by using a machine electronic device modern computers are digital
  • Converts data into information
  • Two digits combine to make data(0,1)Older computers were analog
  • A range of values made data analog vs Digital
  1. Analog : 이산적으로 끊어서 표현할 수 없는 값들
  2. Digital : discrete number에서 파생된 것으로 끊어서 인식할 수 있는 quantity

Computers for Individual Use

  1. Computers can be shared by multiple users but can be used by only one person at a time
  2. Although PCs are used by individuals, they also can be connected together to create networks

Types of Computer for individuals

  1. Desktop : computer on the Desk
  • The most common type of computer
  • Sits on the desk or floor
  1. Notebook(== laptop) : lap means leg
  • small portable computers
  • portable : light and small enough to be easily carried or moved:
  1. Tablet(Ipad, Galaxy tab)
  • The newest development in portable computers
  • Input is through a pen or touch
  1. Handheld computers, palm computer
  • palm: 손바닥
  • Very small computers
  • Personal digital assistants(PDA)
  • iPhone, Galaxy
  1. Smartphones
  • Hybrid of cell phone and PDA
  • Web surfing, e-mail access
  • Do not use handphone! It is not a formal word!! just konglish
  • hybrid : something that is a mixture of two very different things

Types of Computer for Organization

  • organization : a group whose members work together for a shared purpose in a continuing wayWorkstations
  1. Specialized computers
  2. Optimized for science or graphics
  3. More powerful than a desktop
  • 옛날 얘기, 요즘은 워크스테이션의 성능을 내는 데스크톱이 많아짐

Network servers

  1. Centralized computer
  • Centralized : controlled by one main system or authority
  • 중앙집중식 컴퓨터
  1. All other computers connect
  2. Provides access to network resources
  3. Multiple servers are called server farms
  4. Often simply a powerful desktop
  5. Flexibility to different kinds of tasks
  • Flex + ability: 유연성(유연 가능성)
  1. Users use the Internet as a means of connecting even if away from the offices
  • mean 의 여러가지 뜻 : 의미하다/ 너무해! /
  • 여기서는 '~방법/ 수단' 으로 쓰임
  • 방법의 다른 영어 단어 : way -> but, ' a way of' is so awkward
  • 이유 mean (수단 -> 사용하는 tool ) way(길 -> 하는 행위) 이기 때문에 방법이도 사용되는 때가 다름


  1. Used in large organizations
  2. Handle thousands of users
  • Handle(== deal with) : ex. I handle it == I deal with it
  1. Users access through a terminal
  2. Large and powerful systems


  1. The most powerful computers made
  2. Handle large and complex calculations
  3. Process trillions of operations per second
  • trillions : the number 1,000,000,000,000 = 10^12
  1. Found in a research organization

Computers in Society

  1. More impact than any other invention
  • Changed work and leisure activities
  • Used by all demographic groups
  • demography? 인구학 비스무리
  1. Computers are important because :
  • Provide information to users
  • Information is critical to our society
  • Managing information is difficult

Computers in Society

The benefits of using computers

  1. As varied as users

  2. Computers at home

  • Many homes have multiple computers
  • Most homes have Internet
  • Computer are used for Communication, Business, Education,..., etc
  1. Computers in education
  • Computer literacy required at all levels
  • literacy : the ability to read and write
  1. Computer in industry
  • Computers are used to design products
  • Assembly lines are automated
  1. Computers in government
  • Necessary to track data for population
  • Governments were the first computer users
  1. Computers in health care
  • Revolutionized health care
  • New treatments possible

Section 01 The Definition and History of Computer(1)

The Definition of a Computer

  1. A device that accepts data, processes the data in accordance with a stored program,
    generates results, and usually consists of input, output, storage, arithmetic, logic, and control units.
  • accordance: following or obeying a rule, law, wish
  • process vs level: 둘다 단계라고는 쓰나 process 는 진행의 의미, level은 step에 가까움
  1. A functional unit that can perform computation, including numerous arithmetic operations or
    logic operations, without human intervention during a run